on Monday, January 16, 2012

Wouldn't it be great to have some insight in regards to our future? Ideally we would take the proper steps to make sure that the final outcome would be a favorable one, yet realistically life is not like that. We live life hoping we are making the proper choices, praying that the final outcome is the one we desire, and when things don’t go our way some of us are alright with it, and others live the rest of their lives fighting the past.

I love that God has insight when it comes to my future. He has great plans for us, unfortunately sometimes we mess those up because we don’t trust Him or don’t live according to His Word. Yet He never ceases to amaze me because His Word promises that He wants to give us HOPE in our final outcome. That doesn’t mean that all final outcomes will be perfect or ideal, but He is there ready and willing to give us hope, even in the midst of those outcomes that seem hopeless.

Today is the __th day of this year, and some may already be facing less than favorable outcomes, while others see the light at the end of the tunnel. The question I often ask myself is, “What really matters?” I’ve learned to have a “THIS TOO SHALL PASS” attitude about things. When the outcome is great, I celebrate it; when the outcome is not so great, I celebrate the fact that God is there to give me the HOPE I need to make it to the next chapter in my journey of life.

So today my challenge to you is not to be unrealistic and think that God HAS to give you a perfect outcome in all things. That would be ideal yet the truth is we live in a fallen world and sometimes our decisions are not perfect, yet despite whatever may be, God has perfect INSIGHT when it comes to our situation. Remember, He is there, with HOPE at hand always wanting the best for us. I guess the challenge for today and everyday is to make sure our HOPE is in HIM!!!

“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)

Pastor Lynette Santiago - WB Journal


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